Discover KidLifting:
The fun workout you can fit into your day!
You Can Stay in Shape
By Playing With Your Kid
While You Exercise!
Are you too tired, busy, stressed or distracted to find the time to workout? As the very busy mom of a 5 year old and a 2 year old, I certainly understand. However as a fitness expert who's been helping people fit health and fitness into their lives for 18 years, I can't accept any excuses!
That's why I developed KidLifting. It's a fun workout that you can fit into your day with your kid. The first video I've created is for parents and their 1 to 3 year old toddlers.
My goal is to get the whole family working out and being healthy together. I want parents moving so they'll be around longer, and be strong and healthy enough to keep up with their kids. I also want to help parents set a good example of healthy living, so their kids learn at an early age how important fitness is to their health, and that exercise can be fun!
Don't Lift Weights, Lift Your Kid!
The KidLifting Video is the perfect way to get your workout in with your kid, in the convenience of your own home, and to learn what exercises you can do anywhere, anytime. It has a rock 'n' roll nursery rhyme soundtrack to keep your energy up and your toddler entertained, and comes with detailed instructions for how to adjust the exercises for every fitness level. It even has a special section on keeping your back safe while you lift your kid.
Committed to your health,

Maren Sederquist, MES, CSCS, CPT
Certified Medical Exercise Specialist
NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
NASM and ACE Certified Personal Trainer
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Fitness. Play. Together.